Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Wednesday Weigh In


Here we go:


Weight loss: -1
% Body Weight lost: 0.5

So, moving in the right direction. Just have to keep going.

Check in, Peeps! I'm still waiting to hear from the Troublemaker.

EDIT: The Troublemaker wins again!! He lost two (2) pounds and 1% of his bodyweight!


Monday, April 24, 2006

I'm Losing Weight MENTALLY, Thank You

So. Um. So the weight loss is not going so well. The Easter Bunny brought chocolate and with it my sugar addiction. YAY!

The Troublemaker won last week and has collected his prize, of which we will not speak, but I think he's a little worried that I've given up. Which is valid, because I think I gave up for a little bit, there. I'm definately gaining instead of losing, which is shitty of me since it takes so little for me to lose.

I'm having a salad for lunch today, peeps, and will do what I can to get back on the bandwagon. I'll do it today. Right now.

How are your plans going?

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

The Troublemaker Wins!!!

Yep, he lost as much as I gained, so this week my Troublemaker wins!

Good on him.

Right now I'm eating a salad. Watch this space for next week because I don't like to lose.

Wednesday Weigh In


Here we go:


Weight loss: +1.4
% Body Weight gained: 0.7

Thank you, Easter Bunny! You friggin asshole.

This is what happens when you eat chocolate and pizza and crap for days and don't move. Well, this is what happens when I do it. I think it's pretty much guaranteed that I lose this week. How did you do, peeps? I'll let you know what happens when the Troublemaker checks in.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

The Holiday of Chocolate

Did not go by un-indulged.

In fact, this week may see a gain instead of a loss. We do what we can.

Kate once made up a list of how many "special" occasions there are in a year, and my lands there are three cheat-worthy events every month.

I have to figure out a way not to let the fact that it's Easter, or, you know, Thursday, get in the way of how I eat. I have to find a different way to celebrate special occasions.

How did you do this Easter, peeps?

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Wednesday Weigh In

This post lost to the mists of time.

I did well, though.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Let the Pre-Pouting Begin!

The Troublemaker cheated and got on the scale today, folks. Let's just say that I'd have to lose a hell of a lot of weight this week to beat him. And given my boozy, cakey weekend, I'll be pleased if I didn't gain.

I balanced the eating out with a lot of yardwork and chasing after the kid and housework, so I kept active, but I don't know that it's going to be enough to counteract the calories I packed in.

Tomorrow morning is going to be rough. Hold me, peeps!

Monday, April 10, 2006

Exercise - A+! Food - Z-.

So the exercising has been better than the food this week. We'll see what happens. Usually when I get going I lose even if I don't eat well, but I really should eat better.

It's hard to make good choices on birthdays. Too much cake!

Who knew there could be such a thing?

Friday, April 07, 2006

Went Running

Yep, Peeps, I took the advice of the intrepid Kate and went running at lunch. I basically showered yesterday with those medical disposable washcloths and doused myself liberally in deoderant and baby powder. I have a friend who sits next to me at work on Smell Watch, and if anything so much as tickles her nose she's going to let me know.

I ran down to the lake, then up and through Millenium Park, past the Bean and back to work. It was probably about two miles and it felt fantastic. I feel fantastic.

But The Troublemaker is determined to win this week. I'll have to double my efforts!

How has the moving/shaking been going mit you?

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Yet Another Note To Self

Dear Self,

This is hard. If it were easy, everyone would be fit and thin and there are a whole lot more people like you out there than like jazzercise leaders. The thing is, you have to plan.

If you're going to be active, and you know this, know that you're going to be hungrier and do something before you're desperate. Try the fiber supliment thing from the book. Make yourself another garden burger or eat three yogurts instead of one. All those choices would be better than sneaking out and having a cheeseburger and fries.

If you MUST MUST MUST have one, then have one. Don't beat yourself up or freak out or do it more than once a month, tops. But for chrissake, try other things before going out for the cheesburger.

And remember: don't let yourself get hungry, but nobody said that you could do this without being crabby. Hungry and jonesing are not the same feeling. Learn to tell the difference.

I'm back in the saddle, peeps. Momentary lapse. Bad choice. I give it up and start again right now.

Self: Good job so far. Don't dissapoint me. You're the only one you hurt.


Wednesday Weigh In


Here we go:


Weight loss: -2.8
% Body Weight: 1.4

My husband lost 2.3lbs. WOO HOO!!

Still, my % total weight loss is bigger, so I win! Hooray!

On the right track. Now I just have to keep going.

What is your weight today, peeps?

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

You Don't Sweat Much For a Fat Chick

And other pick-up lines

I just took myself on a walk down to the lake and back for about 40 minutes. While I was walking I realized that I should probably be jogging, what with the fun and many things to see in the city and all.

However, I'm not fortunate enough to be one of those people who have stank-free bodies after running. How do those runny people I see running manage to do it and not alienate the entire office? How do I carry my running gear to and from home along with the computer and brick mommypurse?

I am interested in this phenomenon, yet afraid. Do you do it?

Eating Will Not Make it Better

I found myself repeating this over and over like a mantra after a particularly difficult Sunday.

I only half believed myself and only half listened. The weekends are brutal.

I'm afraid to get on the scale on Wednesday.

Is anyone else out there weighing in?