Damn. Damn damn damn damn.
The amazing
Flabulous is a blog that was recommended to me by LizzieBean at
The Fat Lady Sings. What horrors has this fabulous New Zealander imposed upon me? She has inspired me.
At Flabulous he has imbeded episodes of what she calls FlabTV, where she rocks out, spills her guts, talks about cheating after lap band surgery, talks about sex, shows her body, and talks about how as fat people, sometimes we stink. I think she's very brave, not to mention totally cute.
Now I just feel all inspired to do things like put up photos of myself in a swimsuit and be accountable to all other weightloss bloggers out there. It scares me. I'm inspired and it scares me.
But what's the worst thing that could happen? What's the worst? That I don't lose any weight? That I have to tell you about it? Hell, I've already had someone call "Suuuuuuiiieee" to me on the street, how much worse could it get?
So I'm starting again. Tonight when I get home I'll step on the scale. I have a wedding to go to in Mid-September, and I'm going to see how much weight I can lose before then by eating right and excercising. This time, rather than saying that I'm going to put pictures up, I'm really going to do it.
Also, I'm going to participate in the
Just As I Am challenge that she has going on at her blog. The rules are these:
So I challenge other bloggers out there to take part in the same life changing exercise...Instead of concentrating on the negative points of why you want to loose weight and what you hate about yourself...how about writing 5 points about who you are and why you are ok just like that, they can be quirky, embarrassing, brutally honest, boring it doesn't matter...You are perfect, you are unique and you should accept yourself with all your quirks--'Just as you are'...Make sure you write it honestly and positively as I have done above. It will be a list that you might need to revisit every day for the next year to remind yourself, that you are ok, and your life is going to turn out ok...but more importantly it will be an affirmation to yourself and the first step in appreciating YOU just as you are.
Here's how it works...Take up the challenge yourself then choose 5 people to tag...list those chosen ones on your blog under your entry and then visit their blog and write them a comment letting them know they have been 'tagged' to take part in the challenge...keep track of who participates and record their links on your blog as they post their entries.Eventually we will be able to follow a trail from everyone's blog linking to other blogs and their tagged blogs etc...it could be huge... Tell your blogging mates...and lets start a craze and grow and learn to love ourselves through doing this.Plus, inspired by 2kbloggers, my dream is to set up a photo montage, of ALL who participate, with links back to their individual blog posts...Now I am getting goose bumps...IMAGINE a photo montage of 2,000 'Fatbloggers' accepting themselves...Just as they are! Ok, Ok so I am thinking Big!!!! I always do...but if you think this is a neat idea then get onboard and lets start making an impact sort of like the 'pay it forward' phenomenon. And if you would like to be on the montage...start sending me your photo's with links to your challenge post...so that I can set it up.
Here we go:
FIVE THINGS ABOUT ME THAT ARE AWESOME1. I am smart. Not kind of smart or halfway smart, but really, truly smart.
2. I am pretty. My face has a nice look to it, an honest look to it. I lucked out in the face department. I like my face pretty much every time I see it.
3. I am passionate. I have honest and true responses to things. I let the outside world affect me and change and motivate me. I love deeply and with great loyalty. Given my childhood, this is a pretty amazing thing.
4. I have beautiful hands. They are long-fingered and tapered and perfect. Even when I'm overweight they are pretty. I love my hands.
5. I look good in all hats. I look really amazingly cute in hats. Totally cute. I should wear them, because I look totally and utterly cute in them. I am just the kind of person that can wear a hat.
These may not seem important, but it took some doing to make myself write them. It's hard to have a blog that highlights your imperfections and then to sit down and point out why you should like what you see, but you know, I really do.
It's your turn. Five things. Nothing tongue-in-cheek, and no apologizing or qualifying. Just five true things that are awesome about you.
I tag:
1. LizzieBean at
FatLadySingz -
COMPLETE!2. Hsien Hsien at
Cottontimer3. Dawn at
Sticky Note To Self -
COMPLETE!4. Tertia at
So Close**5. Baggage at
Baggage and Bug**6. JavaJeanelaine at
Queen O'Java -
COMPLETE!**Neither of these women post about weight loss, but both have had kind of a down time lately and I think they should post five good things anyway.Ready? Set? GO!
And stay tune for pictures of my fat ass. YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO SEE IT.