Wednesday, March 29, 2006

A First Wednesday Weigh-in

Alright, fellow losers, it's time for the first weigh-in of this our first weight-loss season. I bought a scale especially for the occasion.

Drumroll please:


Believe it or not, this is a cheaty weight, since I'm fairly sure that before the no-sugar start on Saturday I was above 200lbs.


Now, as we go along, every week the Troublemaker and I will weigh in. The person who loses the most (based on % of body weight) will get a "night off" to be used that week or a week when it can actually happen.

We are still discussing the finer points, but both the Troublemaker and I have weighed in and are starting the game!

If you'd like to join in we can do a weekly contest. The winner will get a fancy-schmancy ribbon for their website for the week plus something else which I will think of later.

Anyone ready to play?

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