Hi, Dawn, Kate and ELEE and other reading Peeps. I didn't updated for all this time because I was paranoid. I fell of the wagon with a resounding THUD. I did okay in England, but it was hard to turn down stuff like the airplane food. This past week I didn't even TRY to journal and just kind of kept to WW acceptable food. Kind of did more Core than points.
I was not just worried I hadn't lost, I was pretty sure I'd gained. My goal for the England trip was to gain only 2lbs and then my goal for the week after was to lose the 2lbs. If I had weighed in today at the same weight as two weeks ago, that would have been okay, but I was nervous that I'd wind up singing the fatty song at myself.
Instead, I weighed in today at 199.6
So if I gained 2lbs, I then lost 3.6.
I'm 1.4 down from where I was at my last weigh in and, more important to me psychologically, I'm back into the 100s. It feels marvelous. I'm nervous, because I did eat a whole BOX OF COOKIES earlier this week, so I don't feel like my eating is under control. At the same time, I haven't done any damage that's making me feel hopeless or useless.
I'm going to try my best to get back on plan. PLEASE LET ME GET BACK ON PLAN.
205.4 to 199.6 - A loss of almost 6lbs. For reference sake, I lost
Bye, bye fishie! Here's hoping there's another one leaving soon!
How are you doing, peeps? And thank you all for keeping me updated. You guys posting here is keeping me from hiding my head and pretending that fat doesn't exist until I turn into balloon woman and cry and cry and cry. So you rock.
This is awesome, K! Congratulations!
I haven't weighed in a couple days. OK, weeks. We were at my parents' for Side Items Day, so I feasted. And I DO NOT weigh on any scale but the one in my bathroom, just for consistency's sake. Then when we got back it was the wrong week of the month to be weighing. So.
I'm doing okay. (Not on WW, but) Consistently eating around 250-300 more cals than I'm aiming to eat. Rrrr. I've also been doing very -meh- at exercising; short walk here, aerobics there. Goal this week is to get back into the workout routine. I did it today.
I think all the Xmas nonsense the rest of this month is going to be HARD. I'm still aiming to lose 3 pounds by the time Santa arrives, though.
oh, also -- loved your fish photo! Ha! My favorite analogy is a box of Velveeta. (because I love velveeta). 6 BOXES is a lot of cheese, dude. way to go!
I'm doing ok. I changed my weigh in day to Friday instead of Sunday for the mental point of view- M-F I do great, Sat & Sun I do not so great. When I weigh in on Sun, it only makes me think I should have lost more. So now I check in on Fri, and it should help.
Congrats on the great loss! Keep it up! Oh, and for your worries about my not using my points, I am SO using every single one. EACH. ONE. I. CAN. If it's 9pm and I still have 2 points left, I eat, because I can! I just tend to eat more points as snacks than as meals- like Breakfast is 5 points, lunch is 6 points, dinner is 7 points, and then my snacks equal 8 points (I'm allowed 22 points a day). I was just wondering if I should snack less and eat bigger meals? But points, oh, I eat them all.
I am in trouble this week people. I actually did lose 1.5 pounds last week - and I have 1.5 pounds to go and 3 weeks to do it (not to reach my overall goal, which is still 18.5 pounds away, but to reach my holiday goal). The problem is, I shouldn't have lost and I know it. I went over my points last week - not dramatically, but enough that it should have made a difference. And it's been snowing and cold, so where I normally earn an average of 25 activity points a week, last week and this week combined I've earned 4. And 3 were on the same day. So I'm pretty sure the loss I'm seeing is the loss of the muscles I worked so hard to tone this fall. I know because my calves are all flabby again. I know the loss is meaningless. I won't take a fake loss as a good thing - it means nothing longterm. Crappity crap crap crap.
So already today I've eaten about 35 points. I'm on a downward slide and frankly, I am SO not in the mood to stop it. I'm down because I'm getting no exercise (vicious cycle). I'm down because my job is totally ambiguous right now. I'm down becuase it's the holidays and I WANT SOME CAKE DAMMIT.
I was so good for seven weeks, which is longer than I've been good in years. But now I'm so slipping.
One thing I saw on a WW board once was the slogan "Don't let a bad day turn into a bad week. Don't let a bad week turn into a bad month. Don't let a bad month turn into a bad year." I'm trying to heed that every day this week, trying to back away from the fridge.
Why is this so frakkin' hard?
Elee - Good for you for picking only one scale. Because I use the WW scale I refuse to use the one at home. That keeps me from going mental.
Are you only weighing yourself once a month? Good for you!
It may not be as bad as you anticipate. There are the three of us here (Kate, Dawn and me) who are all bemoaning our choices, and yet we're all losing! Give it a try and let me know.
Dawn - I don't think it matters whether you eat snacks or meals. As long as you get your points, that's great!
I didn't mean eating your 22 daily points, I meant that to lose properly you have to use some of your flex points occasionally. I was just pointing out why, with your regular excercise and good eating, the cream cheese and pretzles were a GOOD thing. ;-)
Kate - Don't be too tough on yourself. I know what you're saying about the muscle, but muscle doesn't go that fast. Often when I had a personal trainer they'd work in "chill" periods where I just gave my body time to heal from the workouts I'd been doing. Time for the muscle to recover.
Maybe you're in one of those? A more relaxed muscle may not be flabby, it may just be relaxed.
Hang in there. I totally think you can do it! I promise not to visit the candy machine at work today if you promise to eat a healthy dinner and give yourself some time to feel good about one good meal.
When I belonged to Overeaters Anonymous, they were big on stressing that each moment of each day is an opportunity to start over. If you have a bad meal you don't have to blow the rest of the day. You can start being good and guilt-free the SECOND you're ready. Even if that's the second you took the last bite.
Hang in there, everyone! Obviously the cold or the season makes this harder. It's actually easier knowing that you all have had a tough time lately. It doesn't mean that I'm the loser who couldn't not-eat cookies.
I'm not alone! I love you all!
Well, my weigh in was today... only lost .6 lbs., but I'm pretty sure my lovely friend PMS has a LOT to do with that. I still came in under my allowance for the week, and with lots of bloating. I hope next week proves me right that my loss would be more, if not for all the damn water weight. Blah.
Dawn, I bet you have a big drop next week. Water weight can be a total killer.
Congrats on losing again!
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