Friday, April 06, 2007

Then, The Upside Occurs

On the other hand, my dears, what this article proves is that there is now scientific and empircal evidence to show that we are NOT failures.

The people on diet adds? The ones who show off a trim and pretty figure after holding out their fat pants? Those people are freaks. Your average individual is not capable of joining WW or Jenny Craig and losing lots of weight and keeping it off long-term. It's the long-term keeping it off that's the thing. We can't do it.

I'm jealous of the freaks, but I'm no longer going to think that there's something wrong with me if I can't drop 50 pounds and keep it off. Science shows that there is NOTHING wrong with me. That eating a little better and trying to get in a little bit more excercise would probably help, and that trying to maintain is probably the best way to go.

I wish I was a 100lb losing freak, but I'm afraid I'm a non-losing normal.

You're normal! I'm normal!

Enough of the diets. Enough.


YAHPR said...

Seriously. Are you sure you don't want to move closer to me so we can be walking buddies? Because I just cancelled WW to offset some expenses while we move and re-budget, but my butt is wider than ever.

Since my fall on my ass 2 months or so ago, I can just now move at a pace faster than a crawl without my ass yelling at me, which has a lot to do with it.

Anonymous said...

Well, I'm at least normal in one area. :)

Anonymous said...

We all lose in our own way! I have lost 70ish -- took a year, I have another 70ish to go.

Listen to the wisdom of your body - eat well, move a bit each day -- it does come off. If you need support, advice, or just a shoulder - I am available. Lady Rose