Friday, February 15, 2008

Quick Update

Hi there! I just wanted to report in. Let you know how I'm doing.

Under the heading of food I'm doing poorly: I eat anything I want whenever I want it. This is not good. I'm trying to eat more vegetables and a little more fruit, with some mixed results.

Under the excercise heading, however, I'm doing very well. Most nights I manage to walk/run on an incline at a reasonable pace for a half an hour on the treadmill, do 90 crunches and 15 sad, pathetic pushups. On really good nights I'm able to also do a half an hour on the recumbant bike and some weight lifting in the arms at the same time.

Everything is firming up. My soft, white underbelly is disappearing.

My weight continues to go up because of the massive muscle explosion (again, totally normal for me), but I've lost an inch off my waist and an inch off of each of my thighs. Arms and hips are the same (that's where I lose weight last), and my bust has actually gone up an inch. This is because as the muscles build and tighten underneith they go from sort of sacks to sort of TORPEDOS. I, myself, am not especially enamored of this, but The Troublemaker seems to think it a positive event, so whatever.

Luckily one of the first places I lose weight is in my face, and you can really tell. I can really tell. My face is getting pointy again.

Now, as of Tuesday next week PMS should be over and hopefully I can get some of the eating under control. In the meantime I promise you to excercise every day this weekend.

I hope it's going well in your neck of the woods! Let me know!



Anonymous said...

Good work, lady! I think exercise is way more important than food in terms of the mentality of taking care of yourself. And that's a lot of inches for so short a time! AWESOME.

I got on the elliptical for the first time in two weeks today. I only did 15 minutes but at least it was something, and as a bonus I haven't thrown up in 48 hours (I've been sick for well over a week) so yay for that.

I have a follow up doctor appointment with the woman who delivered Alex in two weeks. I'm two pounds away from what I wanted to weigh for that appointment, so it's a race to the finish for me. Ah well. At least the 40 I gained while pregnant is finally gone! I wish I felt a little prettier as a result. But that's for another post...

You're kicking butt and a real inspiration for me - thanks!

Krissy said...

Dude you've lost 40 pounds and you just had an adorable little baby, like, yesterday. And then you were puking sick.

YOU are the inspiration!