Thursday, July 26, 2007

Where Things Stand

I don't have pictures yet, because I'm cramming for my upcoming fucking math test, but this morning I did step on the scale just to know where we're starting from. Considering that I haven't been dieting at all, it isn't that bad.

Starting weight: 207

Happy weight: 175

30lbs is a lot on one hand, but on the other if Flabulous can lose 93, I can do a measly 30, right?

My goals for this next week are as follows:

1. Eat real meals. Three real meals. 1, 2, 3. And two snacks. Try and actually feel satisfied throughout the day rather than binging and starving.

2. 30 minutes of excercise a day. We just got a tredmill this past weekend. I'm going to start even just walking, but doing it fast and for 30 minutes.

3. Water as appropriate. I'm going to drink one glass of water for every glass of something else. Cup of coffee? 1 cup of water. Soda? 1 cup of water. Cup of water? 1 cup of water. I'm going to try and add water before I get rid of other stuff.

I think this is all doable and involves only small amount of sacrifice, which is good because I don't do so well with large amounts of sacrifice, you know? The moment I start feeling put-upon I get petulant and eat a doughnut. Petulant Poopyhands would be an excellent nickname.

What are your three goals for the week?


YAHPR said...

3 Goals:

1. Run 2x this week for as long as I can handle. Whether its for 15 minutes or 45 minutes, I'll stop when my body makes me.

2. Eat breakfast. Coffee with creamer does not count.

3. No soda. At all. Not even diet. If I really need something sweet, I can have Crystal Light.

I should be able to handle this. I hope!

Oh, starting weight: 159.4 lbs. Yuck.

Anonymous said...

Ok, since you haven't posted, I will!

My goals so far have been:

1. Pretty consistent except for this week because it's f*ing hot and it's thunderstormed like everyday. BUT, exercise has increased.

2. I'm actually doing this. Don't know if it's helping, but I'm eating breakfast.

3. Nope, no soda. Organic teas if I need something sweet. No more Chemicals for me.

Last weigh-in: 159.4
Today's weight: 157.6
Weight change: -1.8 lbs

Not terrible. Not great. But better than gaining, right?