Friday, March 24, 2006


Where the subject is all weight loss all the time. I'll be your conducter, KP, for the remainder of the trip and I invite you to sit back and enjoy the fat fighting voyaristically, or join in actively. Ridicule, snark, sympathize, comment, or dismiss.



lisa said...

somehow the fat gods seem to find us once we turn 30 and it is terribly hard to shake them loose!!!!!!!!! I hate them too!

Krissy said...

Seriously. What the fuck is what I say.

I'm tired of being porkey. So, yes, for the ELEVENTYMILLIONTH FUCKING TIME I'm going to try and lose weight.

Stupid ass! Why won't it just take what it needs and ditch the rest?

Anonymous said...

Yay! Go Poopyhands!! I love ya! Just throwing in my support.

Krissy said...

I love you too, lady. You do NOT need a Weightloss Junction, but as a pre-skinny lady I'm going to sew you up a cheerleading outfit with PHWJ on the front and you can make up cheers for us.

Lose that weight!
Lose that weight!
Put down that cake and
Lose that weight!

Gooooooooooooooo FATTY!