Thursday, January 25, 2007

The Bell Has Rung

The gate has swung open. The horses are OFF!

And I'm standing in the stalls eating cookies.

"So how's the twelve-step program?!"

Well, seeing as I have not moved a muscle yet we can safely say that I have completed steps <1.

It's all I'm capable of at the moment, peeps. It really is. I appreciate your thoughtfulness and understanding and at some point I will really get to burning up the internets with my accounts of OA and food and blah blah blah.

Right now I appear to be seriously battling some depression and some expectations that I cannot hope to live up to.

I'll take that first step as soon as I can get up the courage to get out the door.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I ate TWO lunches today. Oink.