Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Why oh why??

Have you ever wondered what would happen if your brain was suddenly transported into someone else's physical body?? Oh please, of course you have.

What would the world look like? What would it feel like? I have sometimes fantasized about suddenly owning someone else's physical body and being absolutely overwhelmed by what that body endures on a continual basis.

After all I still have my brain and my learned experiences. Are any of my own coping mechanisms transferable to someone else's physical senses?

I wonder, since my brain is somewhat neurologically confused due to MS, when the donor body was properly hookup to my brain, what would happen to all of the donor nerve cells? Would my right foot buzz all day like it does in my body? Or, would I find out that what I thought was a buzzing foot is someone’s normal foot mode?

Still, as Krissy reminded me yesterday, since they haven't really perfected the teleportation skills promised in 1967, I might, in fact, just explode losing both my cherished, if not perfect, brain and someone else's innocent body at the same time.

And, why oh why, am I even thinking about this while trying to loss weight??

Okay, here's why.

Most of us have pictures of ourselves that when they were taken made us just cringed. Too fat. Too pale, Too plain, Too drunk, Wrong hair, Bad clothes and the list goes on and on. You know what I mean.

We have also all had the experience of looking at those same pictures years later and wondering "what the hell was I thinkin??" I looked good !!! ( except for the clothes issue. There will never be enough time to correct the fashion disaster of my youth, the 60's)

Well, it occurred to me this morning that maybe looking at those pictures after so many years is a little like seeing yourself as others see you. You know, the brain, body thing....

And, if you do look good so many years later to the person you've become, there is an excellent chance that you truly looked that good to everyone else back then too. Get it???

If you want to be a pooh about it, you could just say the short version of all this thinking is " You are your own worst critic". You would be right, of course. I have just taken the long and prettier way around.

Now here's my point and application.

The next time I hear someone say that I look good and I think that they are blowin' beans in the air, I'm going to try to stop for a minute and consider that they may just be right.

Of course, I won't know if it's true for a couple of years but by that time that moment to enjoy looking good will have long passed. Sad.

I have decided, I can no longer afford to miss any opportunities to feel good about myself, even if I think I know better

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