Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Not Brave

Dawn, who is on top of things, has updated below with her progress and her goals for the week.

Dawn said...
Ok, since you haven't posted, I will!

My goals so far have been:

1. Pretty consistent except for this week because it's f*ing hot and it's thunderstormed like everyday. BUT, exercise has increased.

2. I'm actually doing this. Don't know if it's helping, but I'm eating breakfast.

3. Nope, no soda. Organic teas if I need something sweet. No more Chemicals for me.

Last weigh-in: 159.4
Today's weight: 157.6
Weight change: -1.8 lbs

Not terrible. Not great. But better than gaining, right?

You go, Dawn! It's awesome. I think you're doing a great job.

I have to tell you that shortly after I set the goals below I had a disaster with school. The disaster is worked out but at the same time I went off my medications. After a short time of crazy-assness, I'm back to good.

There have been good days and bad days. Some days I've kept to my goals and some days I've surpassed them and some days have been doughnuts-and-movie days. All in all I've lost about a pound (boo), but gained, as I do, a lot of muscle (yay). My clothes fit differently and my husband has noticed a reduction in the jiggle factor.

The difference for me has been that we managed to score a free treadmill from a friend who couldn't use it anymore. After Wallace goes to sleep I do about an hour of fast walking/slow jogging on it, with fifteen minutes of slow warm up and fifteen minutes of slow cool down. I do 90 situps and lift some arm weights. All-in-all it takes me about an hour and a half to get through everything.

That's a lot of time at the end of the night and I do wind up burning the candle at both ends. But what are you supposed to do if your kid has to take priority and your job has to take priority and taking care of the animals has to take priority? I know that magazines are always on about being good to yourself, but they don't account for lives that are so full that being good to yourself has the consequence that you have to be less good to others that you love.

I haven't found the solution yet, but I'm trying to at least sweat some every night. Once I start sweating I figure my heart rate is up and I'm doing some good.

Right now I'm descouraged, but trying to hang in there.

Current weight: 206
Goal weight: 175
Weight loss: -1

Goals for this week:

1. Still more water. I've been slack about this one.
2. Treadmill in some capacity five out of seven nights this week (Monday to Monday)
3. Healthier breakfasts. This morning I had a handful of almonds and an apple and I'm actually feeling okay. One of the tricks I play on myself is that my morning meds require food, so if I get to work and there's nothing available then the only option is Dunkin Donuts. Stupid, tricksy self.

I don't feel great about me at the moment, but I feel better than I did a month ago. I'm sorry that I'm such a wimp. I'll try and update here even when it's not going well.

Thanks for your comments. They make a world of difference. The worst thing a person can be in this struggle is isolted, I think.

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