Thursday, August 02, 2007

Dawn Loves Herself Just As She Is, But She Hates Me

Dawn at Sticky Note to Self has finished her "Just as I am" challenge post. Dawn would also like you to know that she hates tag and that I suck for tagging her. I would like you to know, HA HA DAWN! Which I think captures the spirit of this project very well.

Dawn writes:

So here goes:

1. I like that I have crazy monkey toes- not that they look like monkey toes (they don't), but the fact that I can pick stuff up with them off the floor. Evan can do it, too- ha! For example, if Evan takes his socks off, and I have an armful of other crap to put away, I can grab the socks with my toes, bring them up to my hands, and never miss a beat. Comes in handy when you have a full cup of coffee and you drop something, too. You never have to bend over. Of course, it only works when I am barefoot.

2. I like that if I put my mind to something, it happens. Everything I ever REALLY wanted, I have right now. Not many people can say that. I like to think that my uncanny ability to follow my heart got me right where I want to be in life.

3. I like that my eyes squint when I smile. My grandma's always did, and my dad's, and now my brother's and mine do, too. Evan's eyes get squinty, too. Yes, I'll get crow's feet, but that is so much better than frown lines that some people get, right?

4. I like that I'm not afraid to cry. Some people stop showing negative emotions around their kids, but I think it's a part of life. My mother never cried around us- I can only remember it once in my entire life! But Evan has seem me cry over real issues, like him punching me in the windpipe or my grandma dying, and he feels sad and sorry, and tells me "it's otay mommy. It's ahwight!" I'm not a cry baby, but I do think it's important that you cry when it's necessary. It's healthy, and I want Evan to learn that from me, instead of how I had to learn it.

5. I like that I am strong, both physically and mentally. I can take care of myself, can get shit done when it really counts, can get by without help if I have to, and can mow the lawn and weedwack and trim the hedges without waiting for my husband to do it. I also like that I'm learning to balance asking for help without feeling needy. But I really like that I can get shit done.

I'm totally jealous of Dawn's ability to decide to make things happen and they do. Not so much jealous of the monkey toes. Maybe because I just put the cup of coffee down. Now, when she can create some sushi dinners with those things, THEN I'll be jealous.

Thanks for filling out my crappy tag, Dawn!



Anonymous said...

Ha! I don't hate you, just tag. But this was a good exercise since I concentrate on the bad stuff too much.

I do want to say that I do have to work my ass off to make things happen. They don't just happen- wouldn't that be nice? But I do like that I CAN make things happen if I work hard enough. Although, somedays, it would be nice to take a vacation from that :)

Anonymous said...

OK, I will take your **!!~~ challenge.